I recently purchased a Arduino DeadOn RTC DS3234 breakout board. (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10160). Initially i was planning to use this as a (more accurate) replacement for a DS1307, only to find out that the DS1307 uses I2C whilst the… Continue Reading →
I have recently beeing getting into timelapse, My major problem was that i wanted to use the Sony NEX-5 to take the shots, the issue with this camera is it only has IR as a trigger. There are a variety… Continue Reading →
Recently i have been playing with time lapse photography, Unfortunatly my Sony Nex 5 doesnt support timelapse out of the box and the IR port tends to be a bit troublesome (Misses ptake a shot commands from a timelapse remote)…. Continue Reading →
I thought i would just write up a quick post about something I have been playing with tonight with my new Ipad 2. You may have seen my previous video on youtube: In this video i showed the basic setup… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago I heard Supanova mentioned by a friend, investigating further I found out Christopher Lloyd was attending. After umming and arring about it for a few days i decided hell lets do it. We had just come… Continue Reading →
For the last few weeks i was working on a NAS review/guide focusing on a low power but high processing power server, that could take the place of 3 machines i currently use at home, (The web server, the file… Continue Reading →
Via https://lacma.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/chris-burdens-metropolis-ii-on-its-way-to-lacma/ Ha how cool is this art piece, nof if i could find a use for it and integrate it into my home, im sure the other half would love it. Maybe i could use it as an alarm… Continue Reading →
Friend let me know about this via (http://whitington.net/?p=16) Thats pretty cool, and I cant wait for the new Xbox 360 Kinect to be used in a situation like this, more precise hopefully. 3D glasses can kiss my butt 😉
This is just an idea i had today. What if you build a wall around your property out of tyres and rammed earth. E.g: Render to make it look like a mexican(spanish) wall (or look good). E.G: Inside the wall… Continue Reading →
This is just a snippet of information i have found and solved about ESXi 3 and 4 with regards to mapping a USB device. ESXi can use ti as a USB device ONLY if the linux kernal supprots or realises… Continue Reading →
The 3M 7″ Capacitive touch overlay finally arrived. All I can say is I’m sure 90% of the cost of shipping went into the ridiculously large packing, but its in one piece and is sweet. So here is a mock-up So we have VGA to composite… Continue Reading →
So here is a quick brainstorm of a replacement of my server. It needs to be pretty functional (web hosting maybe ESXi) it also needs at least 4 hdd bays. I plan on doing a full review and article based… Continue Reading →
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