Computers, VW, Sustainable farming and whatever else I try to turn my hand at.

Month November 2010

My green server/NAS review has gone online.

For the last few weeks i was working on a NAS review/guide focusing on a low power but high processing power server, that could take the place of 3 machines i currently use at home, (The web server, the file… Continue Reading →

Chris Burdenโ€™s Metropolis II on Its Way to LACMA

Via Ha how cool is this art piece, nof if i could find a use for it and integrate it into my home, im sure the other half would love it. Maybe i could use it as an alarm… Continue Reading →

Head tracking 3D using a WII mote

Friend let me know about this via ( Thats pretty cool, and I cant wait for the new Xbox 360 Kinect to be used in a situation like this, more precise hopefully. 3D glasses can kiss my butt ๐Ÿ˜‰

Idea for a recycled fence/wall that helps cool in summer.

This is just an idea i had today. What if you build a wall around your property out of tyres and rammed earth. E.g: Render to make it look like a mexican(spanish) wall (or look good). E.G: Inside the wall… Continue Reading →

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